I saw this DIY facial serum on YouTube (video here) from Queenie Chan. This serum is supposed to be an all natural anti-aging serum. You should be able to purchase the white fungus at an Asian grocery store. Because there are no preservatives in this serum, you must use it with in a week. This serum must be stored in your refrigerator.
What you will need:
White fungus 1 piece or more (depends on how much you want to make).
Bottle (preferably one with a dropper)
Strainer basket
White Fungus (a.k.a snow fungus,silver fungus )
Photos of clean white fungus
Step 2: Trim the "petals" of the fungus off and keep middle part for future use.
Yellow middle base part |
Step 3: Put the white fungus in a pot of boiling water and let it simmer on low heat for for 60-90 minutes.
When it's done, the water should now be in a gooey gel like form. This is the serum.
Step 4 : Use a strainer to take out the chunks of white fungus and transfer the liquid to a bowl and let it cool.
Step 5: Fill your bottle up with the serum. Store it in your refrigerator.
You can eat the white fungus or you can use the rest of your liquid serum on pre-cut paper facial masks. I tried eating some of it and did not like it. It's a texture thing :)
Fangirl Moment :) BigBang is back!!!! It's nice to see all 5 of them together again. I pre-orderd the BigBang version of their CD on Feb 17th. YG made 6 versions of their CD, which made it hard for fans to choose which one they wanted. I think some fans bought all 6! YG is a smart man lol! I kept on going back and forth on whether or not I wanted BigBang's version or Taeyang's version for like a day. I didn't get the CD with the poster because I don't like having posters in my room. I don't like the people on the posters staring at me while I'm changing lol!! I'm weird like that^^ NEWho, here are their new music videos.

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